Wing Chun Chi Sau Contrary Approaches

Wing Chun Chi Sau Contrary Approaches

Wing Chun Chi Sau Contrary Approaches may appear a strange title, however, Wing Chun Kung Fu does not have just one way of training in Chi Sau.

This approach to training could lead you to believe that the approach to Wing Chun Chi Sau is negative.

If a person is inexperienced this could also appear that some teachers are correct and others, therefore, must be wrong.   This naïveté may create a partisan and rather immature attitude to other peoples ideas. This causes friction within the Wing Chun community and ‘political arguments’.

There are multiple ways to approach Wing Chun Chi Sau and for this reason it is best to find a teacher who has experience in many methods and is capable of coaching you to a high standard, building an adaptive approach to deal with many other styles of Chi Sau.

In this clip, from a 3 hour MasterClass seminar, James Sinclair answers a question posed by William Woods of our Lee Green London Branch.   

Mr Woods has seen many ‘Master’ of Wing Chun crossing their arms and wondered if they were right to do so.  James’ answer is simple, as always!