Wing Chun Chi Sau Distance

Wing Chun Chi Sau Distance


A question was asked about the frame and chi sau distance from body by Rayleigh UK Wing Chun Assoc. student Tom Blackman.

There is a basic frame that corrects the distance and this is how Wing Chun students develop consistency in distance control and understanding.  Here James Sinclair points out the danger of having the hands generally too close to the body in Wing Chun training and more importantly in sparring.

The distance frpm the body leads to many weaknesses in defence.

If the guard is too close it can lead to strikes passing quickly and the hands being pressed in to the body.

When the distance from the body is too great it creates on opening for a mobile opponent.   This particularly leaves students vulnerable to mid section kicks.

Overextending the elbow by straightening the arm creates a situation where Bong Sau becomes difficult or completely ineffective.

An extract form a 3 hour masterclass seminar held at our National HQ in Rayleigh Essex.


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